Post-Lunch Update

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I went to lunch with my friend Liz over at Red Robin and had a nice chat with her (it’d been a loooong time since I’d last seen her) over a Baja Chicken Burger (no tomato).

It was good to see Liz again and hear all the latest that had gone on with her. Plus, she keeps in contact with an old friend of mine, Kristin, who I haven’t seen or talked to in… I can’t even remember how long.

You ever have that feeling where you just miss your friends that you haven’t seen forever? Sometimes I miss Liz and Kristin. I used to see them both every day at work; now we all work in different places and I only see Liz every once in a great while, and Kristin I see never. I guess peoples’ lives and schedules change and you just can’t keep up with everything. It’s a shame.

I did get my movie back from the guy in my department who kept forgetting it. Maybe I was a little hard on him, but I think the general principle still stands. I talked to Liz about it and she seems to agree - Dogs and cats living together… Mass hysteria!

Oh, and I discovered another pet peeve I’ve got - people who shuffle their feet when they walk. Pick up your fucking feet, people!
