I Am The Scariest Man Alive
wore my costume to work today because we have a company Halloween
costume contest. Plus, I figured I went to all the work of making it and
I’m only going to one party, so I should make some use of my effort,
right? So I did.
Went to the contest at noon and found that about 11 of us dressed up, with varying efforts. People all morning had commented on how cool they thought my coat was and they were pretty impressed that I had made it myself. I have to admit, I’m pretty pleased with myself and with how it turned out - it’s a good looking deal. Even though nobody’s seen Equilibrium, so I just copped out and said it was Neo from The Matrix. Same difference, right?
Anyway, the contest had four categories - funniest, most original, scariest, and coolest. Of those four, I got the scariest costume. Scariest? You know what? I didn’t question it. I don’t win anything ever, so I wasn’t looking the gift horse in the mouth on this one.
I walked away with a bag of M&M’s and the DVD The Sixth Sense, which is a great movie that I don’t have yet.
Amazing how a small reward and getting recognized for your accomplishments and hard work can make all the difference in the world.