Now The Fun Begins

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It’s turning out that, while searching for the house was the most grueling part of the process, the coordination of all of the post-offer efforts is like a novelty plate-spinning act. This weekend I scheduled a U-Haul truck for the move. Thus far today, I have:

  • Locked down an interest rate on my 80% conventional loan
  • Called the insurance company to get my homeowner’s policy started (I now have a questionnaire to fill out)
  • Turned in my earnest money check ($5000… that’s a large check)
  • Contacted my mortgage broker and received a new Good Faith Estimate based on the tax and homeowner’s insurance numbers I know
  • Scheduled time off for the Monday and Tuesday we’re moving
  • Called the house inspector and left a message to schedule the inspection
  • Got recommendations on a moving company so I can schedule that

That’s all just one day. There’s a lot more to go, too - this is just the beginning. Jenn asked me if I thought the time would go by quickly or slowly and I’m saying quickly; there’s not enough time to schedule and coordinate everything.

You know how they have wedding planners that take care of orchestrating weddings? They need to have home-buying planners that take care of all the steps involved with buying a home. From picking the mortgage broker and the realtor to getting the U-Haul together and the house inspection done. There’s your million-dollar business idea for the day.
