State Licensed Pyrotechnician
I noticed a couple of envelopes from the Office of Homeland Security
came in the mail today, which could mean only one thing: my
pyrotechnician license finally arrived.
After a few years of working on shows for Western Display Fireworks (usually with Greg running the show), Jenn and I both took the pyro certification test, completed the prerequisites, and applied for our Oregon state pyro licenses. It took a while (notice the issue date is 8/4 but I just got it in the mail today), but it’s finally here.
Technically, that means we can legally buy professional fireworks and run our own show. Of course, there’s a heck of a lot more to it than just declaring you want to “have a show,” and I’m really not ready to take on that responsibility, so I don’t think that’ll be happening. But we’re could, and isn’t that what matters? (I think we’ll stick to working with Western. Heh.)