Skating With Dorothy Hamill

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Jenn flipped on Skating With Celebrities last night as we were waiting for How I Met Your Mother. As we were watching, we noticed that [3-time world champion and Olympic gold medalist] Dorothy Hamill was one of the judges.

For those not in the know, one of the defining aspects of Dorothy Hamill’s appearance was her haircut. The phrase “Dorothy Hamill Haircut” conjures images (for most folks in the US) of a particular short hairstyle. Life magazine called it “one of the most important fashion statements of the last 50 years.”

Anyway, while we were watching, the conversation went something like this:

Jenn: Hey, that’s Dorothy Hamill! Trav: Yup. She’s a judge. Jenn: Holy crap, she still has a Dorothy Hamill haircut! Trav: You are the smartest woman alive. Jenn: Shut up, you know what I meant. Trav: Yeah, I get it. Dorothy Hamill has a Dorothy Hamill haircut. I never would have guessed. Jenn: You’re an asshole.

Jenn doesn’t think it was funny, but I’m dying.
