Memorial Day Three-Day

I’ve been so busy lately, I totally spaced writing up the weekend. It was nice and we did our best to relax, so we intentionally didn’t do too much. As such, I’ll try to keep it short.

Friday night we went out with some friends of ours, Jason, Tracy, and Adam, and had some Mexican food for dinner. After that, we went back to their place and, totally trashed, proceeded to kick their sorry asses at Scene It. I am the KING.

Saturday there was a lot of sleeping. I’ve been pretty stressed out lately and Saturday I think it caught up with me. I got up late and didn’t do a whole lot. Oh, that’s right - Jenn and I got a copy of Halo 2 and we’re playing through cooperatively so she can get her skills up to speed and put the smack down on my dad next time we’re all playing online.

Sunday we went to Fry’s and I bought Burnout Revenge and The Outfit. Both were totally on sale, so I got a pretty good deal. Brought them home, and both are good fun. Entertainment budget well spent.

Monday we took a gaming break and just hung out. We ended up heading to the movies and saw X-Men 3, and I thought it was at least as good as the second one, if not better. I recommend it, and didn’t feel cheated paying full evening price for it.

That’s about it. Got back to work Tuesday, just that much further behind, and now I’m crawling my way through the week, trying not to let The Man get me down, so to speak. We’re moving at quite the breakneck pace trying to get things done, though, and I’m feeling pretty damn burned out. Vacation doesn’t help, either. Something’s gotta give.
