New Favorites for the New Year
Lots of change in recent times has brought about some new discoveries and new fun favorite things. Here are a few of the things Jenn and I have gotten into lately.
Panini: My sister and brother-in-law got us an ice cream maker for a
late wedding/Christmas gift, but Jenn and I are too fat already so we
ended up taking it back to Williams-Sonoma to see what else they have we
might need. While there, I saw this
and somehow got an insatiable craving for panini. Within the next two
days we got a panini
grill and
are now addicted to panini.
I Love New York: If you thought Flavor of
Love was a
train wreck of global proportions, you have to see the spin-off I
Love New
York. The
contestant we all love to hate is back, and she’s got her own show. I
can’t even begin to describe it, and I can’t tear my eyes off the
Gears of War: I got this
game for
Christmas and am loving it. I haven’t gotten online yet - I’m waiting
to get through the single player campaign and hone my mad skillz a bit
first - but even the single player campaign is great.
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy: Jenn and I can’t play games
together because we are far too competitive, but this one seems to
work. I
got it for Jenn for Christmas and it’s hella fun.