First Anniversary

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Sunday was my first wedding anniversary.

It wasn’t, like, super special or ultra-romantic or anything because, well… Jenn and I have really been together for closer to eight years, not just one.  Plus we’ve got a trip to Las Vegas planned in a week or so and we’re going to a show down there and such, so we have already spent our anniversary budget on that.

Instead, we got each other cards and went with our friends Angela and Keaka to see Resident Evil: Extinction.  Like I said - the romance abounded.  (RE was pretty decent.  I had fun with the previous two movies and this one was about on par.  It ended really quickly… but I guess you can’t complain much about the third movie in a series based on a video game.)

After that, we went for some cocktails, courtesy of Angela and Keaka (thanks!) at Dessert Noir, a pretty decent, but sort of pricey, little cafe near the theater.  I had a tasty chocolate/cherry concoction and Jenn had a coffee-based beverage.

Not a bad little first anniversary when all was said and done.  I can’t say it didn’t just sneak up on me, but I didn’t forget.

The rest of the weekend - Saturday and part of Sunday - was spent working on my Halloween costume, sewing.  I always forget how hard it is to put sleeves in.  I’m working on a jacket that’s part of my costume and I got the sleeves in… but they puckered at the seam a bit, which is disappointing.  I’d like to blame the pattern for leaving too much extra fabric on the sleeve at the top where it joins to the body, but I suppose if I was a better tailor I’d be able to accommodate for that.  I think it’ll be okay; it’ll withstand a cursory inspection.
