FxCop Rule Recommendations

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I love FxCop and static analysis tools in general. Anything that can help me write better, more standard and usable code that follows best practices is a great thing. I like running FxCop on any of my projects as part of the continuous integration cycle with all of the rules turned on.

Well, all but a select few.

See, while the out-of-the-box rules are great, there are a few that don’t seem to jive with almost any of the projects I’ve ever been on. Here’s the list of rules I don’t run, and a few I consider not running based on project needs and goals.

Don’t run:

  • CA2210 - AssembliesShouldHaveValidStrongNames: I like being able to consume third-party components, some of which might be open source. Unfortunately, not all of these will be strongly-named, and you can’t have a strong-named assembly that depends on assemblies that aren’t strong-named. Strong naming also becomes problematic when you want to provide or consume a plugin framework where people can easily drop assemblies into a folder and have them registered with an app. Versioning nightmare. Strong name where it makes sense, but not everything needs it.
  • CA1020 - AvoidNamespacesWithFewTypes: You run into this a lot when you have several assemblies contributing to a single namespace or when you’re early in a project and you’re still building things up. It might be okay to turn on later, but honestly, I never do.
  • CA1014 - MarkAssembliesWithClsCompliant: If I’m working in a very small project or something entirely standalone where I don’t depend on anything else, I can get this to work. If it’s not just a small project or standalone, I try marking things as CLS-compliant and all hell breaks loose. I start marking individual types as non-CLS-compliant based on compiler recommendations, which causes other types to be marked as non-CLS-compliant, and eventually nearly every type is marked as non-CLS-compliant. The root cause is usually that some central class has a dependency on some third-party component that isn’t CLS-compliant. In the end, it doesn’t seem worth the trouble. (Of course, I only really have C# clients for my stuff, so this might change if/when I have other languages needing to consume my output.)
  • CA1805 - DoNotInitializeUnnecessarily: This is basically, “Don’t say ‘bool x = false;’” because initializing fields to default values is redundant. I’m a huge fan of being explicit, though, and while it might be redundant, the microperf you get doesn’t outweigh the long-term readability and maintainability of the code.
  • CA2243 - AttributeStringLiteralsShouldParseCorrectly: This one says that any string literal that you pass to an attribute needs to be parseable into a System.Uri, System.Guid, or System.Version. That’s crap. Metadata attributes can be used for so much more than conveying those three types of information and ignoring every instance of where you might want to do that is just a pain.
  • CA1016 - MarkAssembliesWithAssemblyVersion: Most of my projects run in continuous integration and it’s the responsibility of the build server to properly assign the assembly version… but we run static analysis on developer environments, too, and a developer build is always version, which equates to “no version” and fails this rule. I know the assembly will be properly versioned in production so I don’t need a rule constantly popping up warnings in a development environment to tell me there’s a problem that I don’t actually have.

Consider not running:

  • CA1044 - PropertiesShouldNotBeWriteOnly: When you use dependency injection, you may legitimately have set-only properties on something. Most of the time, yeah, you’ll want an associated “get” for the property, but maybe not, depending on your design.
  • CA1303 - DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters: This one makes you localize all of your exception messages… and that’s sort of painful if you’re not distributing your stuff to folks who need localized exception messages.
  • CA1702 - CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly: Turning this on, when you have a domain-specific language you’re working with, can cause a dictionary-related nightmare. For example, you might have “Doghouse” as a word (a legitimate compound word) and it’ll say “it should be DogHouse.” Uh, no. So then you get to fight with the dictionary, which is a never-ending battle. Leave this on until you start really running into it and see how much dictionary-battling you’d have to do to comply before just turning it off. One or two words, no big deal. A full grammar, problems.
  • CA1724 - TypeNamesShouldNotMatchNamespaces: The description of this rule on MSDN says it’ll only get raised if you have a type that is called “Collections,” “Forms,” “System,” or “UI.” I have run into this in several other cases - like a type named “MyNamespace.Security” (with security-related utility methods in it” conflicting with “System.Web.Security.” Watch and see where you run into this - it may or may not be worth running.
  • CA2209 - AssembliesShouldDeclareMinimumSecurity: If you haven’t fought code access security before, go ahead and keep this enabled. Good luck with that. Sometimes it can be solved with a one-line assembly attribute. Most times it becomes a gordian knot of horrors.
  • CA1006 - DoNotNestGenericTypesInMemberSignatures: This one says you can’t, say, declare a parameter or return value of type IList<ICollection<String>> because it’s confusing and hard to use. The side effect is that you also can’t have things like IList<Guid?> because the nullable Guid? is considered a generic. When you’re writing WCF service contracts, you really need that nullable type there because it affects the schema that gets generated and helps with interoperability. If you have a lot of these… well, this rule becomes more of a nuisance than anything. Depending on your design goals, you may or may not want this rule.
  • Rules involving URLs as System.Uri instead of System.String: There are several rules that tell you if you have a method or property that has “Url” in it that it needs to be of type System.Uri instead of System.String. Particularly at a web tier, passing System.Uri around is a pain that you really don’t need. In other places, maybe it’s helpful. Depends on your project. These rules are:

Every other rule I leave on, and for the most part I don’t exclude warnings - I fix the issue raised. In some cases it seems sort of stupid, but when the end product comes out, it’s consistent, maintainable, and consumable by others. Just the way I like it.
