Fixup Script for DVDFab HD Decrypter Full Disc Rip Folder Structure
This is, admittedly, a bit of a niche thing, but it’s helpful for me so I figured someone might be interested.
I use DVDFab HD Decrypter to rip movies for my DVD Library and it works really well except when you tell it to rip movies to a particular folder, it generates this little folder structure that makes it difficult to just copy over the movie to my Windows Home Server. Say I tell it to rip to the “C:\Movies\Really Cool Movie” folder - I’ll come out with a structure like this:
C:\Movies\Really Cool Movie
The problem is, I want the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders up in the “C:\Movies\Really Cool Movie” folder, not two levels down in some generated hierarchy:
C:\Movies\Really Cool Movie
It requires manual file moves to get things rearranged. Not a big deal, but do it 100 times and it’s a pain in the ass. This script fixes that up:
@echo off
if .%1. == .. goto :help
pushd %1
pushd FullDisc
for /d %%s in (*) do pushd %%s
for /d %%s in (*) do move %%s ..\..
for %%s in (*) do move %%s ..\..
rmdir /s /q FullDisc
goto :eof
echo This script fixes up DVDFab rip folder structures.
echo fixmovie [moviefolder]
goto :eof
Copy that into a batch file called “fixmovie.bat” and save it in your
movies folder. Then you can just run it and pass the folder name of the
movie you need to fix the directory structure for. In the case of my
example, I’d run fixmovie.bat "Really Cool Movie"
from the
“C:\Movies” folder and it’d clean up the directory structure for me.
Standard disclaimers apply. YMMV, not responsible for destruction of your universe, etc.