XML Tidy in Sublime Text

sublime, xml, gists comments edit

I already have my build scripts tidy up my XML configuration files but sometimes I’m working on something outside the build and need to tidy up my XML.

There are a bunch of packages that have HTML linting and tidy, but there isn’t really a great XML tidy package… and it turns out you don’t really need one.

  1. Get a copy of Tidy and make sure it’s in your path.
  2. Install the Sublime package “External Command” so you can pipe text in the editor through external commands.
  3. In Sublime, go to Preferences -> Browse Packages... and open the “User” folder.
  4. Create a new file in there called ExternalCommand.sublime-commands. (The name isn’t actually important as long as it ends in .sublime-commands but I find it’s easier to remember what the file is for with this name.)

Add the following to the ExternalCommand.sublime-commands file:

        "caption": "XML: Tidy",
        "command": "filter_through_command",
        "args": { "cmdline": "tidy --input-xml yes --output-xml yes --preserve-entities yes --indent yes --indent-spaces 4 --input-encoding utf8 --indent-attributes yes --wrap 0 --newline lf" }

Sublime should immediately pick this up, but sometimes it requires a restart.

Now when you’re working in XML and want to tidy it up, go to the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and run the XML: Tidy command. It’ll be all nicely cleaned up!

The options I put here match the ones I use in my build scripts.. If you want to customize how the XML looks, you can change up the command line in the ExternalCommand.sublime-commands file using the options available to Tidy.
