CR_Documentor 4.0.0 Released

vs, coderush comments edit

CR_Documentor version 4.0.0 has been released to the Visual Studio Gallery and adds support for Visual Studio 2015.

Head over to the gallery to get your copy or get it through “Extensions and Updates” in the Visual Studio “Tools” menu.

Note: In VS 2015 RC you may notice that after installing the add-in the only add-in that shows up for CodeRush is CR_Documentor. I’m not sure why this is, but it seems to be fixed by clearing out the files in your loader cache in these folders:

%appdata%\CodeRush for VS .NET\1.1\Settings.xml\Loader
%appdata%\CodeRush for VS .NET\1.1\Settings.xml\_Scheme_FrictionFree\Loader

It is safe to delete these files because they will be re-created on the next restart of VS. This will get all the CodeRush features to show up again.

I filed an issue with DevExpress about this. If you are having this problem, please add a comment to that issue so they know it’s not just me.
