powershell, windows comments edit

Two things crossed my path in a relatively short period of time that got me thinking:

  1. I read Scott Hanselman’s article on dotnet CLI completion for PowerShell and I liked it a lot. I didn’t know you could have custom completions.
  2. I have been working a lot with Kubernetes and kubectl in PowerShell and wanted completion for that… but you can only get it for bash, not PowerShell.

Challenge accepted.

A lot of Google-fu and some trial-and-error later, and I have a bridge that takes a PowerShell command line, passes it to bash, manually runs the completion function in bash, and hands the set of completions back to PowerShell.

Introducing: PSBashCompletions - a PowerShell module to enable bash completions to surface in PowerShell.

I published it as a module on the PowerShell Gallery so you can install it nice and easy:

Install-Module -Name PSBashCompletions -Scope CurrentUser

(I always install to my own profile because I don’t run as admin.)

You can also go grab it right from GitHub if you want.

To use it:

  1. Make sure bash.exe is in your path. If it’s not, the module will fall back to the location of Git for Windows (assuming git.exe can be found) and try to use the packaged bash.exe there. Failing that… you’re stuck. You need bash.
  2. Locate your bash completion script. Sometimes you can export this from the command (like kubectl); other times you can download it from the project (like git when using Git for Windows).
  3. Register the completer using Register-BashArgumentCompleter. Tell the completer which command you want to complete (kubectl) and where the completion script is (C:\completions\kubectl_completions.sh).

A registration looks like:

Register-BashArgumentCompleter kubectl C:\completions\kubectl_completions.sh

After that, in PowerShell you should be able to use the command and hit tab at the end of the line to get completions.

kubectl c<TAB>

That will compete all the commands starting with ‘c’ for kubectl.

I tried to test it a bunch, but I can’t guarantee it’ll work for every completion or every workstation.

I put troubleshooting instructions in the source readme so if it’s not working there are ways to figure it out. Using the -Verbose option when calling Register-BashArgumentCompleter is the first step to seeing what’s up. If completers in PowerShell encounter any errors, the messages get swallowed. The -Verbose option will tell you the basic bash command line the completer is going to try using so you can run it and see what happens.

I do have some demo/example completions I’ve exported (for git and kubectl) so you can try it out by grabbing those if you want.

Find something wrong? I’d love a PR to fix it.

I’m doing a lot of analysis work across a huge set of .csproj files to figure out some overall statistics. For example, what’s the target framework version for all of the projects?

PowerShell to the rescue! All the .csproj files are XML, so we can get the whole set of target frameworks for a set of repositories cloned under a common top-level folder with a single command pipeline.

The output of that will look something like…

Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
  698 v4.5                      {v4.5, v4.5, v4.5, v4.5...}
   42 v3.5                      {v3.5, v3.5, v3.5, v3.5...}
  160 v4.0                      {v4.0, v4.0, v4.0, v4.0...}
    6 v4.5.1                    {v4.5.1, v4.5.1, v4.5.1, v4.5.1...}
    3 v2.0                      {v2.0, v2.0, v2.0}
    2 v4.5.2                    {v4.5.2, v4.5.2}
    3 v4.0.1                    {v4.0.1, v4.0.1, v4.0.1}

autofac, dotnet comments edit

The State of Autofac

Autofac is a pretty popular inversion of control container for .NET. Core Autofac is approaching 10 million NuGet downloads. There are over 20 extension packages that are part of the GitHub Autofac organization supporting everything from .NET Core to MVC/Web API to Service Fabric.

The thing is… the whole project is effectively run by just two people who are not actually full-time developers on Autofac. It’s just me and Alex Meyer-Gleaves doing the best we can to:

  • Answer questions on StackOverflow, Gitter, the mailing list, GitHub issues lists, and other areas people ask for help.
  • Address new and existing issues in core Autofac and all the extension libraries.
  • Make ongoing improvements and enhancements including adding new extension libraries as demand comes up.

All of that happens in the “spare time” between full-time jobs, family obligations, and trying to maintain an otherwise decent work/life balance.

We get a few pull requests, but IoC/DI integration is tricky business. Small changes can introduce pretty big penalties when it comes to app performance. To that end, we probably don’t get quite as many PRs as you might think, and when we do there’s a lot of analysis that has to go into many of them to ensure we’re not inadvertently breaking something.

We Need Help

There’s a lot to maintain and we’re spread thin. We’re looking for people willing to step up and own some of the Autofac extensions and integrations. If we can focus on core Autofac and core extensions we’ll make better headway on things like fixing up the decorator syntax or addressing some of the longer-running issues that aren’t five-minute fixes.

If you become an owner on one of the extensions, you’ll be responsible for:

  • Bug fixes and enhancements: Issues submitted to the extension library’s repository need to be addressed. Determine if the issue is a bug or not, determine if the enhancement request fits with the library or not, etc.
  • API design: Lots of people rely on Autofac and its extensions, you can’t change the signature of methods or introduce breaking changes without a lot of forethought.
  • Requirements determination: Part of the job of an owner is to decide whether a library should support a particular function. You’ll need to make sure fixes and enhancements fit within the bounds of being willing/able to back it with long term support. Is a fix or enhancement worth addressing?
  • Support: Answering questions by actively monitoring autofac tagged questions on StackOverflow, in Gitter, and on the mailing list.
  • Documentation: Changes to the extension or FAQs get documented so future folks can refer to the docs.
  • Examples: There’s an examples repo that shows simple usage of most extensions.

You won’t just be handed a big lump of code and left on your own, but you’ll be considered a primary owner of the extension and you’ll work with Alex and I to bring things forward. It’s a commitment. We’re looking for owners.

If you’re interested, take a look at the list of extension libraries and pick one you think you’d like to take on. Smaller libraries that might be good candidates are Autofac.Extras.Moq, Autofac.Extras.FakeItEasy, Autofac.Mef, and Autofac.Extras.MvvmCross. Feel free to look at others, these are just examples.

Let us know by filing an issue on the repo or tweeting @AutofacIoC. It’ll help if you let us know a little about yourself, any open source work you may be involved in, that sort of thing. It’s not really a job interview, but we are a team so knowing if you’ll be a team fit is valuable.

Not Interested in Owning?

That’s fine, it’s a lot to take on. We’d love your PRs that solve existing issues with a mind toward non-breaking changes. Especially in some of the lesser-used libraries, there’s definitely some TLC needed.

personal comments edit

Xev, my baby princess

On Monday, January 8, 2018, I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends of 15 years: my beautiful baby cat girl, Xev.

From the day she came home, July 2, 2002, she was trouble.

Xev out playing on the balcony

She was very playful. You can see she’s messing with a flower on the balcony. Later, she’d end up hanging from the wall just off the balcony, having been chased there by our cat, Semper, and would eventually fall into the bushes below. (She was just fine. A little scared, but no worse for the wear. And she definitely didn’t learn her lesson.)

She was enough trouble that we couldn’t just let her roam free her first few nights at home. We kept her in the bathroom instead. We made a bed for her in the sink and she loved it.

Xev has a bed in the sink

I think keeping her in the bathroom sort of affected her long-term. She loved the bathroom. If you were in there, she needed to be in there. She’d wrap string around the base of the toilet, she’d drink out of the sink… even after we moved and she was much older, she’d still get in the sink to sleep or play.

Xev still has a bed in the sink

There are a lot of bathroom stories to share. She’d come in and climb into your pants while you were… uh… doing your business. You could yell for “Pooping Cat” and she’d come to that. I’ll stop there, you get the idea.

So naughty. Always in exactly the place you needed to get and totally not interested in moving.

Xev sitting in the clothes dryer

Her favorite toys were those foil/mylar balls that made crinkling noises and anything with tassels on it. She didn’t really wrestle or do that thing some cats do where they roll over and kick with their back feet. She was more of a “grab and bite” kind of cat.

Xev with a tinsel streamer

She mellowed out a little with age and loved to sleep in the windowsill or on the floor in that one spot of sun that would come through. She didn’t fight over much, but she’d totally push the other cats out of the way to get there if needed.

Xev in the windowsill

When my daughter, Phoenix, was born, Xev was there from day one to be the watchful mother cat.

Xev with newborn Phoenix

Our other cats were friendly to Phoenix, but they never really played with her or cuddled with her. Xev… Xev was Phoenix’s older cat-sister. They were best buddies.

Xev with six-year-old Phoenix

As you can see, Xev loved being held like a baby and getting her tummy rubbed. She’d purr so loud that if you were watching TV you could barely hear your show.

This past weekend we noticed Xev had basically stopped eating. She looked a bit thin, but she was drinking. We didn’t think much of it because she was always sort of a “free spirit” and did what she wanted when she wanted. However, after a couple of days of not eating, we really noticed how thin she was getting and that she was becoming pretty lethargic.

I took her to the vet to get her checked out and we found she was in the later stages of kidney failure. She had apparently been headed downhill for quite some time and had masked it really, really well. By the time any real symptoms showed it was too late.

Even the doctor noted that she didn’t look 15 at all. I agree, she aged very well. Her coat was beautiful, full, and clean. She smelled clean. She was so active, even up until that last day.

We made the decision to let her go instead of forcing her through painful treatments that may or may not have actually prolonged her life. I wanted her to live a good life without suffering.

She was my catbaby for 15 years and I loved her more than I can say.

Xev, my 15 year old catbaby

Goodnight, Princess Xev. We will miss you forever.

personal comments edit

Each month my six-year-old daughter comes home with a “homework menu” - a page that looks sort of like a bingo card but each square has a homework assignment in it. Of the 25 assignments listed, you get to pick 15 to do.

The assignments cover things like, “Write a list of words with a long ‘i’ sound in them” to “Count to 100 by fives.” First grade stuff, no problem. For the most part, she’s got this covered… as long as she doesn’t get off in the weeds.

The other night we did, “Make a list of ten odd numbers.” Easy enough. They’d been learning odds and evens in class, so this shouldn’t be much work. In fact, she finished in just a few seconds, listing all the way from one to 19 in short order.

To help cement the pattern in her mind, I thought I’d show her how all the odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. I wrote the numbers in a little table like this so the pattern would be easy to see:

1    11    21    31
3    13    23    33
5    15    25    35
7    17    27    37
9    19    29    39

She got pretty excited about that, then asked the question that took us off the rails.

Phoenix: Daddy, why are they called “odd” and “even” numbers?

Travis: Go grab me like six alphabet blocks from your room and I’ll show you.

She ran to her room, grabbed the blocks, and returned with them bundled in the front of her shirt. She dumped the whole shirt load squarely on my nuts.

Travis (recovering): OK, you know odd numbers, do you know the even ones?

Phoenix: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

Travis: Good. Here’s two blocks. [I hold up two blocks.] Is two even or odd?

Phoenix: Even.

Travis: Right. If I split that into two even piles there aren’t any left over. [I put one block in each hand and hold them apart from each other.] See that? Two even piles. Now here’s three blocks. [I hold up three blocks in one hand.] Is three even or odd?

Phoenix: Odd.

Travis: Correct again. If I split that into two even piles… [I put one block in each hand and hold them apart from each other, leaving the remaining block on the arm of the chair.] …then we have an odd man out. That block on the chair is extra. Odd numbers leave an odd man out. Let’s try with four. Is four even or odd?

Phoenix: Even.

Travis: OK, and when I split them [I held two blocks in each hand] I have two even piles. Is five even or odd?

Phoenix: Odd.

Travis: Yup, and when I split them [I hold two blocks in each hand and leave the fifth on the arm of the chair] I have that odd man out. That’s why they’re “even” and “odd.” If it’s an even number, I get even piles when I split it in half. If it’s an odd number, I get an odd man out. Even number - even piles. Odd number - odd man out.

Phoenix: Oh, OK!

Travis: So, let’s review. [I hold up four blocks, two in each hand.] Four is an even number, so when I split it I have… [I pulled my hands apart with two in each hand.]…?

Phoenix: Four blocks.

Travis: Well, I do have four blocks, but we were talking about even and odd. Four is even, right? So if I split it in half, I have…?

Phoenix: Two in each hand.

Travis: That’s true, but I have even piles. Even number, even piles. Five is an odd number [I hold up five blocks in my hands] so when I split it in half [I drop one block on the arm of the chair and hold two in each of my hands] I have…? [I look down at the block on the arm of the chair hopefully]

Phoenix: An extra.

Travis: Yep, but it’s odd so we can remember it easier if we think “Odd number has an odd man out.” If it’s even you have…? [I hide the block on the chair and hold two in each hand.]

Phoenix: Equal piles.

Travis: Uh… yeah, but I really want to know you’re hearing me here, so “Even number, even piles.” Not “equal piles,” but actually the literal words, “even piles.” I need you to say, “even piles.” Sooooo…. Four is even, even numbers have…

Phoenix: Four.

Travis (really close to losing my shit): Even numbers, even piles. So, even numbers have…?

Phoenix: Even piles.

Travis: Yes, and odd numbers have…? [I put the extra block back on the arm of the chair.]

Phoenix: Odd piles.

Travis: An odd man out. Odd numbers have an odd man out. Even numbers, even piles. Odd numbers, odd man out. Even numbers…?

Phoenix: Even piles.

Travis: Odd numbers…?

Phoenix: Odd man out.


I think this is going to be a thing with homework this year since last night we ran into basically the same thing.

Travis: OK, Phoe, you need to draw a hexagon.

Phoenix: How many sides is that?

Travis: A hexagon has six sides.

Phoenix: So, five?