Don't Sound Stupid, Stop Saying 'Like'
I have a friend who really needs to pay attention to this billboard: Don’t sound stupid, stop saying ‘like.’
I have a friend who really needs to pay attention to this billboard: Don’t sound stupid, stop saying ‘like.’
The new version adds the ability to render XFN data for links that have no other contact information attached and fixes a positioning bug.
It’s 7:00p, and after a long day at work, Jenn and I decide it’s time to go get something to eat. Pizza sounds good, so we head to the local Schmizza to get a couple of slices.
Jenn gets a slice of “Sch’meat’za” (an all-meat special), an order of breadsticks, and a small drink. I think the “No Kiss Tonite” (garlic chicken, alfredo, feta, and red onion) sounds good, so I get that, a “Genoa” (another all-meat special), and a small drink.
The mood is relaxed as we eat our pizza, watch a little Nickelodeon on the TVs hanging around the place, and talk about our recent debacle making wedding invitations. (No, the invitations aren’t going quite as smoothly - or as cheaply - as I’d like, but I think we’ve got the details ironed out now, so it’s time to jump in and make them. But I digress.)
The pizza is finished and it’s time to pack up and go. Jenn has some breadsticks left over, so she gets up to get a box to take the remainder home in. It’s a bus-your-own-table kind of joint, so while she does that, I take the plates over to the garbage can.
I scrape the plates off into the trash, then put the plates and silverware into the box sitting on top of the trash. I pick my cup up and decide that, before we go, I should top it off with some soda so I can take that in the car with me.
I take a drink of soda as I head toward the dispenser and look over to see how Jenn’s doing. Looks like she’s loaded up her breadsticks and is waiting. The breadstick box is on the table, her drink is on the table, my drink is on the table…
My drink is on the table.
Hang on, my drink is on the table.
Then what’s this drink in my hand?
No, no, no.
Please don’t tell me I just picked this drink up off the top of the garbage can and started drinking it.
But I did. I’m drinking some random drink. From on top of the garbage can.
I think I’m going to be sick.
“Jenn, we need to go home now. I have to Listerine and brush my teeth.”
I have the Mr. Potato Head “Darth Tater” toy, but they’ve got the “Spud Trooper” and “Artoo-Potatoo” now. Damn merchandising!
We bought a weed whacker this weekend, a $50 Black and Decker special from Home Depot.
I am the King of Weed Whacking.
And edging. I edged my whole lawn, front and back.
I’m telling you, more weeds were whacked than I can explain. There’s a whole section in our back yard that is/was a veritable weed forest, and that’s gone. Grass along the fence line - gone. And the edge of the lawn makes it look nice and crisp. First time we did that since we moved in.
Next up, a whole line of home improvements: The weed forest area (which is also, coincidentally, a drainage problem) is getting killed off and rototilled so we can put some wet-ground-friendly plants in there; the house is getting pressure washed and the trim will be repainted; and a sprinkler system will get put in to make sure we’re actually getting the thing watered correctly. Of course, none of that is cheap (particularly not the sprinkler system, and no, I’m not doing it myself, nor am I getting that friend of a neighbor’s buddy who happens to install sprinklers on the side).