I’m just coming across way too many cool things while cruising the morning news, so I’m going to share in a sort of random tech news aggregation thing.

First, it looks like Mark Miller’s introducing some cool stuff for the next version of CodeRush - Dynamic templates sound pretty awesome. I can’t wait for that.

Next, there’s an entry on the PowerShell blog discussing the grammar of the Windows PowerShell. The geek in me smiles while the rest of you look on in disgust.

Moving on to gaming, it looks like the stupid bat-a-rang controller for the PS3 is no more. Sony has released the real new PS3 controller. Looks a lot like the standard PS2 “Dual Shock 2” controller, but runs on Bluetooth and can detect motion (sort of like the Nintendo “Wii” controller). Of course, the new PS3 controller doesn’t have any vibration feature the way the other controllers do because it apparently messes up the motion detection. Hmmm. I guess that wasn’t the hugest part of gaming, but it did add a little something.

For folks that aren’t into that crazy Wii controller, I guess there will be a “Classic controller” that you can use. Just watch - you’ll have to have both controller types because some games won’t work with one.

Oh, and the Halo 3 trailer is out, so check it. It rocks. (My dad actually sent this to me before I got to it. Dad is stoked and he doesn’t even own a single game console. I think he’s just found his reason to get an Xbox 360.)

Okay, I think that’s it. For now.

downloads, vs, coderush comments edit

The new version is out with a few bug fixes:

Fixed rendering issue with table lists being wider than the window.

Fixed rendering issue where generics didn’t display correctly in syntax preview.

Updated minimum requirement for CR_Documentor to DXCore 1.1.58. Needed for syntax preview.

Cleaned up icons in the preview window toolbar.

Added CR_Documentor to the DXCore “About” box.

Go get it!

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Greg pointed me to this pretty cool all-in-one API reference site. If you’re a developer, you’ll want to check this out: ~Got API?~

Update 2/1/17: The site has apparently gone out of business. Link removed because it turned into some weird porn spam thing.

I was sitting here, minding my own, when the alarm went off for a fire drill.

Normally fire drills take place on a nice sunny day, so it’s not a big deal - you quickly pack up your stuff (because who knows how long you’re going to be outside, plus you want to make sure if it’s a real fire that your iPod won’t be burning) and follow the herd to whatever arbitrary meeting spot you’re supposed to be at. That’s generally followed up by some milling about, laughing about the inconvenience of it all and wondering how much money is actually being spent on the drill due to lost productivity.

Today’s drill started out the same, packing everything up and following the crowd, but the wrench in the works is that it was pouring rain outside, so everyone was outside shivering and getting soaked through to the bone. In a word, it sucked. Plus the lost time. I’m totally wet now, sitting here trying to re-focus on what I was working on, and, frankly, it’s just not happening. Maybe I need to head into the bathroom and dry off with some paper towels.