synology, security comments edit

In November of last year I set up a PPTP VPN on my Synology NAS so I could do more secure browsing on public wifi. Since then, I’ve updated my setup to use OpenVPN and made the connection a lot easier.

I based the steps to get my connection working on this forum post but I didn’t do quite the extra work with the certificates.

Assuming you’ve got the VPN package installed and ready to go on your Synology NAS (which I walk through in the previous article), the next steps to get OpenVPN going are:

  • Open the VPN Server application in the Diskstation Manager.
  • Enable the OpenVPN protocol by checking the box. Leave everything else as default.
  • At the bottom of the OpenVPN panel, click “Export Configuration.” This will give you the profile you’ll need for your devices to connect to the VPN.
  • In the Control Panel, go to the “Security” tab. On the “certificate” panel, click “Export Certificate.” Save that somewhere and call it ca.crt. This is a little different than what I was expecting - I had hoped the certificates that come in the OpenVPN zip file (when you export that configuration) would just work, but it turns out I needed to get this particular certificate. YMMV on this.
  • Just like with the PPTP VPN, make sure the firewall has a rule to allow port 1194 (the OpenVPN port) through. You also need to create a port forwarding rule for port 1194 with your router. You can see how to do this in my other article.

You should have OpenVPN up and running. That part, at least for me, was the easiest part. The harder part was getting my Android phone connected to it and trying to automate that.

First things first, let’s get connected.

Install the OpenVPN Connect app for Android. There are several OpenVPN apps out there; I use this one and the rest of my article will assume you do, too. The app is free, so there’s no risk if you don’t like it.

Open the zip file of exported OpenVPN configuration you got from the Synology and pull out the openvpn.ovpn file. Pop that open in a text editor and make sure that…

  • The remote line at the top points to your public DNS entry for your Synology, like or whatever you set up.
  • The ca line has ca.crt in it.

Here’s what it should generally look like. I’ve left the comments in that are there by default.

dev tun

remote 1194

# The "float" tells OpenVPN to accept authenticated packets from any address,
# not only the address which was specified in the --remote option.
# This is useful when you are connecting to a peer which holds a dynamic address
# such as a dial-in user or DHCP client.
# (Please refer to the manual of OpenVPN for more information.)


# If redirect-gateway is enabled, the client will redirect it's
# default network gateway through the VPN.
# It means the VPN connection will firstly connect to the VPN Server
# and then to the internet.
# (Please refer to the manual of OpenVPN for more information.)


# dhcp-option DNS: To set primary domain name server address.
# Repeat this option to set secondary DNS server addresses.

#dhcp-option DNS DNS_IP_ADDRESS


# If you want to connect by Server's IPv6 address, you should use
# "proto udp6" in UDP mode or "proto tcp6-client" in TCP mode
proto udp

script-security 2

ca ca.crt


reneg-sec 0


Put the ca.crt certificate you exported and the openvpn.ovpn file on your Android device. Make sure it’s somewhere you can find later.

Open the OpenVPN Connect app and select “Import Profile.” Select the openvpn.ovpn file you pushed over. Magic should happen and you will see your VPN show up in the app.

Now’s a good time to test the connection to your VPN. Enter your username and password into the OpenVPN Connect app, check the Save button to save your credentials, and click the “Connect” button. It should find your VPN and connect. When you connect you may see a little “warning” icon saying network communication could be monitored by a third-party - that’s Android seeing your Synology’s certificate. You should also see OpenVPN Connect telling you you’re connected.

OpenVPN Connect showing the connection is active

It’s important to save your credentials in OpenVPN Connect or the automation of connecting to the VPN later will fail.

If you’re not able to connect, it could be a number of different things. Troubleshooting this is the biggest pain of the whole thing. Feel good if things worked the first time; I struggled figuring out all the certificates and such. Things to check:

  • Did you enter your username/password correctly using an account defined on the Synology?
  • Does the account you used have permissions to the VPN? (By default it should, but you may be trying to use a limited access account, so check that.)
  • Did the router port forwarding get set up?
  • Did the firewall rule get set up?
  • Is your dynamic DNS entry working?
  • Is the ca.crt in the same folder on your Android device as the openvpn.ovpn file?
  • If that ca.crt isn’t working, did you try the one that came in the zip file with the OpenVPN configuration you exported? (The one in that zip didn’t work for me, but it might work for you.)
  • Consider trying the instructions in this forum post to embed the certificate info right in the openvpn.ovpn file.

From here on out, I assume you can connect to your VPN.

Now we want to make it so you connect automatically to the VPN when you’re on a wifi network that isn’t your own. I even VPN in when I’m on a “secure” network like at a hotel where you need a password because, well, there are a lot of people on there with you and do you trust them all? I didn’t think so.

Install the Tasker app for Android. This one will cost you $3 but it’s $3 well spent. Tasker helps you automate things on your Android phone and you don’t even need root access.

I found the instructions for setting up Tasker with OpenVPN Connect over on the OpenVPN forums via a reddit thread. I’ll put them here for completeness, but total credit to the folks who originally figured this out.

UPDATE 2/19/2018: OpenVPN Connect 3.0 has a different set of intents used for Tasker automation. I’ll update the instructions for Tasker below to show both ways, but pick the right one for your Android app version.

The way Tasker works is this: You create “tasks” to run on your phone, like “show an alert” or “send an email to Mom.” You then set up “contexts” so Tasker knows when to run your tasks. A “context” is like “when I’m at this location” or “when I receive an SMS text message” - it’s a condition that Tasker can recognize to raise an event and say, “run a task now!” Finally, you can tie multiple “contexts” together with “tasks” in a profile - “when I’m at this location AND I receive an SMS text message THEN send an email to Mom.”

We’re going to set up a task to connect to the VPN when you’re on a network not your own and then disconnect from the VPN when you leave the network.

You need to know the name of your OpenVPN Connect profile - the text that shows at the top of OpenVPN Connect when you’re logging in. For this example, let’s say it’s [openvpn]

  1. Create a new task in Tasker. (You want to create the task first because it’s easier than doing it in the middle of creating a profile.)
    1. Call the task Connect To Home VPN.
    2. Use System -> Send Intent as the action.
    3. OpenVPN Connect 1.2.7: Fill in the Send Intent fields like this (it is case-sensitive, so be exact; also, these are all just one line, so if you see line wraps, ignore that):
      • Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
      • Category: None
      • Mime Type:
      • Data:
      • Extra: net.openvpn.openvpn.AUTOSTART_PROFILE_NAME: [openvpn]
      • Extra:
      • Extra:
      • Package: net.openvpn.openvpn
      • Class: net.openvpn.openvpn.OpenVPNClient
      • Target: Activity
    4. OpenVPN Connect 3.0.0: Fill in the Send Intent fields like this (it is case-sensitive, so be exact; also, these are all just one line, so if you see line wraps, ignore that):
      • Action: net.openvpn.openvpn.CONNECT
      • Category: None
      • Mime Type:
      • Data:
      • Extra: net.openvpn.openvpn.AUTOSTART_PROFILE_NAME:PC [openvpn]
      • Extra: net.openvpn.openvpn.AUTOCONNECT:true
      • Extra: net.openvpn.openvpn.APP_SECTION:PC
      • Package: net.openvpn.openvpn
      • Class: net.openvpn.unified.MainActivity
      • Target: Activity
  2. Create a second new task in Tasker.
    1. Call the task Disconnect From Home VPN.
    2. Use System -> Send Intent as the action.
    3. OpenVPN Connect 1.2.7: Fill in the Send Intent fields like this (it is case-sensitive, so be exact; also, these are all just one line, so if you see line wraps, ignore that):
      • Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
      • Category: None
      • Mime Type:
      • Data:
      • Extra:
      • Extra:
      • Extra:
      • Package: net.openvpn.openvpn
      • Class: net.openvpn.openvpn.OpenVPNDisconnect
      • Target: Activity
    4. OpenVPN Connect 3.0.0: Fill in the Send Intent fields like this (it is case-sensitive, so be exact; also, these are all just one line, so if you see line wraps, ignore that):
      • Action: net.openvpn.openvpn.DISCONNECT
      • Category: None
      • Mime Type:
      • Data:
      • Extra: net.openvpn.openvpn.STOP:true
      • Extra:
      • Extra:
      • Package:net.openvpn.openvpn
      • Class: net.openvpn.unified.MainActivity
      • Target: Activity
  3. Create a new profile in Tasker and add a context.
    1. Use State -> Net -> Wifi Connected as the context.
    2. In the SSID field put the SSID of your home/trusted network. If you have more than one, separate with slashes like network1/network2.
    3. Check the Invert box. You want the context to run when you’re not connected to these networks.
  4. When asked for a task to associate with the profile, select Connect To Home VPN.
  5. On the home screen of Tasker you should see the name of the profile you created and, just under that, a “context” showing something like Not Wifi Connected network1/network2.
  6. Long-press on the context and it’ll pop up a menu allowing you to add another context.
    1. Use State -> Net -> Wifi Connected as the context.
    2. Leave all the other fields blank and do not check the Invert box.
  7. On the home screen of Tasker you should now see the profile has two contexts - one for Not Wifi Connected network1/network2 and one for Wifi Connected *,*,*. This profile will match when you’re on a wifi network that isn’t in your “whitelist” of trusted networks. Next to the contexts you should see a little green arrow pointing to Connect To Home VPN - this means when you’re on a wifi network not in your “whitelist” the VPN connection will run.
  8. Long-press on the Connect To Home VPN task next to those contexts. You’ll be allowed to add an “Exit Task.” Do that.
  9. Select the Disconnect From Home VPN task you created as the exit task. Now when you disconnect from the untrusted wifi network, you’ll also disconnect from the VPN.

You can test the Tasker tasks out by going to the “Tasks” page in Tasker and running each individually. Running the Connect To Home VPN task should quickly run OpenVPN Connect, log you in, and be done. Disconnect From Home VPN should log you out.

If you’re unable to get the Connect To Home VPN task working, things to check:

  • Did you save your credentials in the OpenVPN Connect app?
  • Do you have a typo in any of the task fields?
  • Did you copy your OpenVPN Connnect profile name correctly?

You should now have an Android device that automatically connects to your Synology-hosted OpenVPN whenever you’re on someone else’s network.

The cool thing about OpenVPN that I didn’t see with PPTP is that I don’t have to set up a proxy with it. I got some comments on my previous article where some folks were lucky enough to not need to set up a proxy. I somehow needed it with PPTP but don’t need it anymore with OpenVPN. Nice.

NOTE: I can’t offer you individual support on this. Much as I’d like to be able to help everyone, I just don’t have time. I ask questions and follow forum threads like everyone else. If you run into trouble, Synology has a great forum where you can ask questions so I’d suggest checking that out. The above worked for me. I really hope it works for you. But it’s not fall-down easy and sometimes weird differences in network setup can make or break you.

autofac, dotnet, testing comments edit

Autofac DNX support is under way and as part of that we’re supporting both DNX and DNX Core platforms. As of DNX beta 6, you can sign DNX assemblies using your own strong name key.

To use your own key, you need to add it to the compilationOptions section of your project.json file:

  "compilationOptions": {
    "keyFile": "myApp.snk"

Make sure not to specify keyFile and strongName at the same time - you can only have one or the other.

The challenge we ran into was with testing: We wanted to run our tests under both DNX and DNX Core to verify the adjustments we made to handle everything in a cross-platform fashion. Basically, we wanted this:

dnvm use 1.0.0-beta6 -r CLR
dnx test/Autofac.Test test
dnvm use 1.0.0-beta6 -r CoreCLR
dnx test/Autofac.Test test

Unfortunately, that yields an error:

System.IO.FileLoadException : Could not load file or assembly 'Autofac, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. General Exception (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131500)
---- Microsoft.Framework.Runtime.Roslyn.RoslynCompilationException : warning DNX1001: Strong name generation is not supported on CoreCLR. Skipping strongname generation.
error CS7027: Error signing output with public key from file '../../Build/SharedKey.snk' -- Assembly signing not supported.
Stack Trace:
     at Autofac.Test.ContainerBuilderTests.SimpleReg()
  ----- Inner Stack Trace -----
     at Microsoft.Framework.Runtime.Roslyn.RoslynProjectReference.Load(IAssemblyLoadContext loadContext)
     at Microsoft.Framework.Runtime.Loader.ProjectAssemblyLoader.Load(AssemblyName assemblyName, IAssemblyLoadContext loadContext)
     at Microsoft.Framework.Runtime.Loader.ProjectAssemblyLoader.Load(AssemblyName assemblyName)
     at assemblyName)
     at assemblyName)
     at Microsoft.Framework.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoaderCache.GetOrAdd(AssemblyName name, Func`2 factory)
     at Microsoft.Framework.Runtime.Loader.LoadContext.Load(AssemblyName assemblyName)
     at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.LoadFromAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyName)
     at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.Resolve(IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName)

I ended up filing an issue about it to get some help figuring it out.

Under the covers, DNX rebuilds the assembly under test rather than using the already-built artifacts. This was entirely unclear to me since you don’t actually see any rebuild process happen. If you turn DNX tracing on (set DNX_TRACE=1) then you actually will see that Roslyn is recompiling.

If you want to test the same build output under different runtimes, you need to publish your tests as though they are applications. Which is to say, you need to use the dnu publish command on your unit test projects, like this:

dnu publish test\Your.Test --configuration Release --no-source --out C:\temp\Your.Test

When you run dnu publish you’ll get all of the build output copied to the specified output directory and you’ll get some small scripts corresponding to the commands in the project.json. For a unit test project, this means you’ll see test.cmd in the output folder. To execute the unit tests, you run test.cmd rather than dnx test\Your.Test test on your tests.

The Autofac tests now run (basically) like this:

dnvm use 1.0.0-beta6 -r CLR
dnu publish test\Autofac.Test --configuration Release --no-source --out .\artifacts\tests
dnvm use 1.0.0-beta6 -r CoreCLR

Publishing the unit tests bypasses the Roslyn recompile, letting you sign the assembly with your own key but testing under Core CLR.

I published an example project on GitHub showing this in action. In there you’ll see two build scripts - one that breaks because it doesn’t use dnu publish and one that works because it publishes the tests before executing.

autofac comments edit

Today we pushed the following packages with support for DNX beta 6:

This marks the first release of the Autofac.Configuration package for DNX and includes a lot of changes.

Previous Autofac.Configuration packages relied on web.config or app.config integration to support configuration. With DNX, the new configuration mechanism is through Microsoft.Framework.Configuration and external configuration that isn’t part of web.config or app.config.

While this makes for a cleaner configuration story with a lot of great flexibility, it means if you want to switch to the new Autofac.Configuration, you have some migration to perform.

There is a lot of documentation with examples on the Autofac doc site showing how new configuration works.

A nice benefit is you can now use JSON to configure Autofac, which can make things a bit easier to read. A simple configuration file might look like this:

    "defaultAssembly": "Autofac.Example.Calculator",
    "components": [
            "type": "Autofac.Example.Calculator.Addition.Add, Autofac.Example.Calculator.Addition",
            "services": [
                    "type": "Autofac.Example.Calculator.Api.IOperation"
            "injectProperties": true
            "type": "Autofac.Example.Calculator.Division.Divide, Autofac.Example.Calculator.Division",
            "services": [
                    "type": "Autofac.Example.Calculator.Api.IOperation"
            "parameters": {
                "places": 4

If you want, you can still use XML, but it’s not the same as the old XML - you have to make it compatible with Microsoft.Framework.Configuration. Here’s the above JSON config converted to XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<autofac defaultAssembly="Autofac.Example.Calculator">
    <components name="0">
        <type>Autofac.Example.Calculator.Addition.Add, Autofac.Example.Calculator.Addition</type>
        <services name="0" type="Autofac.Example.Calculator.Api.IOperation" />
    <components name="1">
        <type>Autofac.Example.Calculator.Division.Divide, Autofac.Example.Calculator.Division</type>
        <services name="0" type="Autofac.Example.Calculator.Api.IOperation" />

When you want to register configuration, you do that by building up your configuration model first and then registering that with Autofac:

// Add the configuration to the ConfigurationBuilder.
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder();

// Register the ConfigurationModule with Autofac.
var module = new ConfigurationModule(config.Build());
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

Again, check out the documentation for some additional detail including some of the differences and new things we’re supporting using this model.

Finally, big thanks to the Microsoft.Framework.Configuration team for working to get collection/array support into the configuration model.

javascript, home comments edit

I have, like, 1,000 of those little keyring cards for loyalty/rewards. You do, too. There are a ton of apps for your phone that manage them, and that’s cool.

Loyalty card phone apps never work for me.

For some reason, I seem to go to all the stores where they’ve not updated the scanners to be able to read barcodes off a phone screen. I’ve tried different phones and different apps, all to no avail.

You know what always works? The card in my wallet. Which means I’m stuck carrying around these 1,000 stupid cards.

There are sites, some of them connected to the phone apps, that will let you buy a combined physical card. But I’m cheap and need to update just frequently enough that it’s not worth paying the $5 each time. I used to use a free site called “JustOneClubCard” to create a combined loyalty card but that site has gone offline. I think it was purchased by one of the phone app manufacturers. ((Seriously.)


Enter: LoyaltyCard

I wrote my own app: LoyaltyCard. You can go there right now and make your own combined loyalty card.

You can use the app to enter up to eight bar codes and then download the combined card as a PDF to print out. Make as many as you like.

And if you want to save your card? Just bookmark the page with the codes filled in. Done. Come back and edit anytime you like.

Go make a loyalty card.

Behind the Scenes

I made the app not only for this but as a way to play with some Javascript libraries. The whole app runs in the client with the exception of one tiny server-side piece that loads the high-resolution barcodes for the PDF.

You can check out the source over on GitHub.

vs comments edit

I installed Visual Studio 2015 today. I had the RC installed and updated to the the RTM.

One of the minor-yet-annoying things I found about the RTM version showed up when I pinned it to my taskbar next to VS2013:

Confusing icons on the taskbar


Luckily it’s an easy fix.

Windows 7 / Server 2008

First, unpin VS2015 from your taskbar. You’ll put it back after you’ve fixed the icon.

Open up your Start menu and right-click on the “Visual Studio 2015” shortcut in there. On the context menu, choose “Properties.” Click the “Change Icon” button.

Click the 'Change Icon' button

VS2015 actually comes with a few icons. They’re not all awesome, but they’re at least different than the VS2013 icon. I chose the one with the little arrow because it’s, you know, upgraded from VS2013.

Pick a better icon

Click OK enough times to close all the property dialogs. You’ll see the icon in the Start menu has changed. Now right-click that and pin it to the taskbar. Problem solved.

At least you can tell which is which now

Windows 8 / Server 2012

If you haven’t pinned VS2015 to your taskbar yet, do that now so you can get a shortcut.

Open up the taskbar icons folder. This is at C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar.

Copy the “Visual Studio 2015” shortcut out of that folder and onto your desktop.

Unpin VS2015 from your taskbar. The shortcut in that TaskBar folder will disappear.

Right-click on the “Visual Studio 2015” shortcut you copied to your desktop. On the context menu, choose “Properties.” Click the “Change Icon” button.

Click the 'Change Icon' button

VS2015 actually comes with a few icons. They’re not all awesome, but they’re at least different than the VS2013 icon. I chose the one with the little arrow because it’s, you know, upgraded from VS2013.

Pick a better icon

Click OK enough times to close all the property dialogs. You’ll see the icon on your desktop has changed.

Right-click on the icon on your desktop and pin that one to your taskbar. A new shortcut with the correct icon will be added to that TaskBar folder and will appear on the taskbar. You can now delete the one from your desktop.

At least you can tell which is which now