It’s 2006 now, a new year and a new opportunity to, um, make resolutions
we won’t keep and lose weight that we’ll gain back over the end of year
holiday season.
New Year’s Eve found us at Jason and
Tracy’s house, as usual, though with a
significantly smaller crowd than we normally see over there. Not to
worry, much fun was still had by all with a rousing round of Catch
played in a sort of teamless, group way that we made up on the fly. Lots
of fun and I hope to repeat that with an even larger group.
Stu and Tif were there to enjoy the
festivities, and when the ball dropped in New York (adjusted, of course,
for west coast time) at midnight, we called Stu’s parents in England to
wake them up and yell “Happy New Year” in a sort of eight-hour-delayed
The party wound down at about 3:30a and we were home in bed by 4:00a. A
late night (I’m surprised Jenn made it) but a fun one.
The next morning, Stu, Tiff, Jenn, and I went to breakfast at Shari’s
(at noon). That seems to be a regular thing after a party night - all of
us getting up and going to breakfast. It puts a nice cap on the
festivities, setting you off on the right foot again. We were IHOP
people, but it seems that the IHOP near us is really busy whenever we
want to go and Shari’s gets us in a little quicker, so Shari’s it is.
I made the most of the day by putting up some shelves in this closet in
the spare room. We keep our board games in the top of the closet and it
was getting a bit unruly with them all being stacked on top of each
other - if you wanted the game on the bottom, you had a task ahead of
you. Instead of fighting that, I figured we should put some shelves in.
So I went to Home Depot and bought all of
the stuff to put modular closet organizer shelves into the top of the
closet. Here’s how it turned out:

Not bad, huh? I thought it would go up a little faster than it did (it
took a couple of hours instead of the half hour I originally estimated)
but I had drill problems (battery charger’s dead) as well as incorrect
length wall anchors (I needed 4” anchors; I had 2” anchors). No biggie,
though, and the shelves are great. Not cheap, but great. I may have to
put some more shelves in that closet for the rest of the crap in there.
Today is clean-up day around the house. Last day of vacation before
heading back to work tomorrow, too. Best make the most of it.
Happy New Year, everyone!