A lot of random thoughts coming through here.
Flip-flops are quite possibly the worst footwear ever designed. Ever. I
don’t care how hot the girl is, if she’s wearing flip-flops, she’s
disqualified. Flip-flops with jeans is the worst. If you’re not on the
beach, walking to the beach, or coming home from the beach, you should
not be wearing flip-flops. Period.
I really don’t understand how the Winter
Hawks, who have been the picture of
mediocrity all season long, can kick the ass of the best team in our
division one night, then turn around and lose horribly to the worst team
in the division. Except for the folks that sit next to us and the
occasional fight, I don’t feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth this
Speaking of the people who sit next to us… there are two 50/50
raffles at each home game (for those unaware, a “50/50 raffle” is where
they sell a bunch of raffle tickets and the winner takes home half of
the total money collected; thus, the more people who buy tickets, the
larger the prize is) supporting the players’ education fund. The people
next to us, Tim and Barb, each buy a ticket for each raffle every game -
that’s $4 per game. At 36 home games, you’re looking at $144 every
season just for raffle tickets. I can’t tell you how many seasons we’ve
gone where they don’t win a dime. Luck changed for them this weekend,
though, where they won two nights in a row. I guess I can’t give them
shit for being losers anymore now, can I?
Spent Friday night watching the Hawks win, then Saturday Jenn and I ran
around doing errands, visiting parents, etc.
Saturday night Stuart and Tiffany came over and we played “Dirty Minds”
and “Apples To
“Dirty Minds” was fun but went altogether too quickly. Like, to the
point where we wondered if we were somehow playing it wrong. Most times
you wouldn’t even get a second turn. “Apples To Apples” is a blast,
though, and I could see how it would be even better with more people
(with only four of us, games went reasonably quickly, but were still
great fun).
Sunday I spent most of the day cleaning my car, which desperately
needed it. I washed it, waxed it (two coats), vacuumed, put Rain-X on
the windshield, washed the inside windows, wiped the seats down with
leather protectant, and dusted. Yes, it took most of the day.
Sunday evening we watched the Hawks snatch defeat from the jaws of
victory in an amazing 3 - 1 loss. The guy behind me decided that he
wanted to do one of those really high-pitched, shrill whistles at every
good play. Normally I wouldn’t be too mad, but we are right in front of
the glass, so not only does it hit me from behind, but bounces off the
glass and hits me from in front, making it doubly loud. I asked the guy
nicely to stop. Yeah, that worked really well.
This morning coming in I cut this lady off who decided to tailgate me
for a mile and then switch lanes and pace me in my blind spot for
another mile. I turned on my signal and switched lanes. She had to slam
on the brakes, of course, then zoomed up on my other side and attempted
to cuss me out. Unfortunately for her, I don’t read lips. Sorry, bitch.
Can’t help you. I let the tailgating go… but don’t pace me in my
blind spot. I hate that.
I still believe that
Roomba is
the bomb. Roomba has vacuumed our house since it showed up, and it
definitely does a way better job than I do. Plus, the novelty factor is
huge. I love it, the cat loves it (and chases it around the house).
Turns out they have something called the
“RoboMower” that looks a lot like Roomba
for your lawn. I watched the video on it and it looks really cool.
Wired News has an article,
too. I may
have to look at these.