General Ramblings comments edit

It’s been a long week. All week long, I’ve awakened being thoroughly convinced it’s Tuesday. Even Monday, I could’ve sworn it was Tuesday.

We got our first official build out today, though, so I’m pretty stoked for that. It sort of legitimizes what we’ve been working on for the past few months.

I’ve also been working on CR_Documentor some, adding some fun new features to help folks edit their XML comments (like inserting documentation templates and embedding selected text in XML comment structures). That’s coming along nicely and should be out shortly.

Got a hockey game tonight. Not a lot of excitement there, but hopefully I’ll be amped up a little more by the time we get there.

I’m also still doing my best not to focus on the fact that my TV is still hosed. It’s distracting, but I’m doing okay there.

Jenn works tomorrow, so I’ll be home alone. Maybe I’ll have to play a little Playstation or GameCube. It’s been a while.

media, tv comments edit

My television woes are not yet over.

I thought I could just ignore it, but it’s bugging the crap out of me.

Lines that should be displayed as parallel on the TV are not parallel. For example, when I’m watching a widescreen movie, the black bars at the top and bottom of the TV are not horizontal, nor are they parallel. In a very slightly exaggerated style, it looks sort of like this:

My TV doesn't make parallel lines

I’m sure this is an artifact of the “purity alignment” it underwent, and I did try to ignore it, but I can’t - I bought the extended warranty specifically for a case like this, and as far as I’m concerned, they’ll keep fixing it until I don’t see a single impurity in that picture, like the day I bought it. All I know is that while I’m watching a widescreen movie on there, or looking through the digital cable guide (which lays out the menus using horizontal and vertical lines, none of which are straight), I can’t see anything but the fact these lines aren’t straight, square, and parallel. And it eats at me.

downloads, dotnet comments edit

I’ve been working on tracking down different assemblies’ strong naming information this morning and I’ve decided that sn -T [assemblyname] is a big pain in the rear, so I threw together an app I’m sure is out there plentifully already yet I couldn’t be bothered to search for. If it’s out there, great. If it’s not, here you go.

This utility is a simple Windows forms app that allows you to drag a .NET assembly onto it and view the strong name information about it. You can copy/paste any of the information directly, plus I even threw in a little thing that will generate a sample binding redirect you can put in your app.config file.

SNInfo Main

I wouldn’t want them to just put this in the properties on the assembly or anything.

Download SNInfo

Download SNInfo source

Version History:

    • Converted to .NET 2.0.
    • Added binding redirect generation (for easy copy/paste of binding redirect configuration).
    • Added main menu bar (thanks to James McShane for pushing this one over to me).
    • First release.

media, tv comments edit

I hadn’t heard back from the TV repair people on when they’d be scheduling my repair, so I just now called them.

Tuesday, February 15. Over a week from now.

Last time I pinged them earlier in the morning on Monday and they got to me in three days. Now it’s eight. Next time (if there is a next time), I’m calling every 15 minutes first thing Monday to get in.

So I wait. Hopefully the picture distortion won’t just drive me absolutely buggy in the meantime.

General Ramblings comments edit

I’m not a big fan of the SUV. Between the fact that most of the people who own them never go offroad, never haul anything, and don’t know how to drive and/or park them, and the fact that they consume natural resources like they’re going out of style, I believe the SUV is the largest atrocity ever to saunter slowly down the freeway.

To that end, here’s an excellent educational article for you: Are Small Cars A Threat To SUV Drivers?