coderush, vs comments edit

DXCore, the core engine behind CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET, has been released to the public as a free download.

This is a great thing for anyone interested in extending the Visual Studio environment. DXCore is everything that the Visual Studio extensibility team should have implemented to begin with. It’s easy to make Visual Studio add-ins, it’s easy to create graphic assistance within the Visual Studio editor, it’s easy to do great things to enhance your productivity.

Plus, that’s what my CR_Documentor add-in is based on, and you all want that, right?

Go get your free copy of DXCore!

(And once you fall in love with that, get CodeRush and Refactor! - you’ll never look back.)

media, music comments edit

I got JHymn set up and running to perform almost exactly the same action as my M4P Backup script. The difference is that my backup script created the unlocked M4A file in the same folder as the original M4P, then copied both the M4A and M4P into the backup location; the configuration of JHymn that I’m using just creates the M4A in the backup location - it doesn’t back up the M4P, nor does it place a copy of the M4A alongside the original M4P. Other configurations of JHymn can do things like replace the original M4P with the decoded M4A… but I didn’t want to go that route.

Anyway, here’s my JHymn configuration. I’ve upgraded to iTunes 4.7.1 and everything works fine. Click the screen shots to get a larger view.

[Main JHymn screen - click to

[JHymn preferences - click to

media, music comments edit

It looks as though JHymn is the only supported version of hymn left, at least, according to the hymn forums.

JHymn has a lot more flexibility than hymn did, but doesn’t seem to have a command line interface, which makes it difficult to integrate into a script. That said, it does have functionality to back up your protected music to a new location once it’s scrubbed of DRM, so it sort of does what my M4P Backup script did anyway.

I’ll have to get this thing running, then I’ll share my settings with the rest of you.

General Ramblings comments edit

I am sitting in what has to be the most boring meeting ever conceived by man.

Born of the devil, bred to destroy, this meeting has set upon me like a deadly tsunami, enveloping me in the most horrid embodiment of ennui I’ve encountered in a long, long time.

Supposedly this is a planning meeting that is supposed to get the developers involved in setting up the schedule for the project I’m on. The idea is that if the developers are involved in the planning, they may be more likely to meet they dates they commit to.

That’s a lie.

In reality, this is an open forum for discussing anything that even peripherally relates to the project, all simultaneously, none of which impacts my portion of the project. A massive amount of discussion has gone on simply to determine “how do we call something ‘done?’” That was one of the multithreaded conversations flowing about the room, bombarding my senses.

There is no order, only chaos.

And I have to be honest: this thing was meant to engender a sense of ownership and commitment, but I’ve passed the point of caring. My 15 minute meeting attention span was over four hours and 45 minutes ago. There’s no sign of this stopping.

I’ve tried to actually get something done in here, but the ergonomics of working in a bad chair at a conference room table are beyond description. My back is killing me, my nerves are wracked, my concentration is totally shot. I can’t get anything done, but I can’t concentrate on anything going on here.

At this point all I can do is pray for death. If I had a secret agent suicide pill I’d use it. I can’t take this anymore. It’s killing me.

javascript comments edit

Just read an article over at Looks like there are JavaScript functions built into IE that not only allow a site to set the contents of your clipboard but retrieve them as well.

IE users, try this one on for size (this only works with Internet Explorer, to my knowledge):

Update: Links disabled due to various permissions issues.

First, click this link to copy the phrase "My Dog Has Fleas" to your clipboard. Now open up a Notepad window (or whatever your favorite text editor is) and paste it in - sure enough, it adds info to your clipboard.

Now copy some arbitrary text to your clipboard. Doesn’t matter what it is - type something in that Notepad window, or highlight something on this page, and copy it. Now click this link to show your clipboard contents.

Pretty freaky, huh?

For the curious… the “insert data into clipboard” code is: window.clipboardData.setData('Text', 'My Dog Has Fleas');

…and the “retrieve data from clipboard” code is: window.clipboardData.getData('Text');