Damage Control Resuming
All email has been read and action is now being taken to control all damage done in my absence. I should know better than to leave for longer than two days.
All email has been read and action is now being taken to control all damage done in my absence. I should know better than to leave for longer than two days.
I’m back at work today. 109 unread emails and untold number of crises to avert. Here we go.
IMPORTANT NOTE: hymn, which I use with the below script for unlocking protected music, is no longer being updated. The new version, JHymn, is a Java-based GUI app that performs the same function and handles the iTunes 4.7.1 issues. It also provides the ability to back up your music (when you unlock it) to a new location. As it does not have a command-line interface, it is not usable with this script. If a command-line interface comes, I’ll update this script. Until then, use JHymn. I’ve posted my JHymn settings here.
I’m a user of iTunes, and I have purchased music through the iTunes Music Store. I’m also a big believer in fair use, and while I don’t condone anything illegal, I’m irritated by the FairPlay DRM system, particularly the five-computer authorization limit. I’m not spreading my purchased music around, but the need to remember what’s been authorized and what hasn’t, to authorize and deauthorize machines… it’s a pain.
I got hymn and FairKeys to download a copy of my FairPlay authorization keys and then un-DRM my purchased music. Then I made backups of both the protected and unprotected versions of the songs.
The problem then ended up being that I didn’t want to have to manually do that every time I bought something on iTunes. As such, I figured I needed a script that would do exactly that: Make a backup copy of the protected (*.m4p) files, decrypt any that didn’t have a corresponding decrypted version (*.m4a), and then make backup copies of the decrypted versions. “M4P Backup.vbs” was born.
The script will, for each *.m4p file found in your music library:
Below is a sample console session of the “M4P Backup.vbs” script. Click the image to enlarge it.
That’s it! Once you’re set, you can either double-click the script to
execute it, or you can explicitly call the console script host to run
the backup script in console mode (as shown in the screen shot):
cscript "M4P Backup.vbs"
Version History: 1.0: First release. Tested with hymn 0.7.1.
I figure I should probably spew the details of Christmas this year so folks are up to speed, plus I’m gonna forget if I don’t dump it, so here goes.
Christmas Eve was the more hectic of the two days. About 2-ish in the afternoon we hauled over to Jenn’s maternal grandparents’ house on the other side of town. I won’t lie; it felt a little awkward. There wasn’t a lot of talking or anything, there was a small amount of gift opening, but generally that was it.
Jenn’s dad had taken an antihistamine or something before he got there, so he was a little tired. He ended up crashing on the couch not an hour into it.
After that, we headed over to my parents’ condo, but we didn’t stay there long before we then, as a group, went over to my grandparents’ apartment. That was great fun, as evidenced by my dad.
Actually, it wasn’t that bad, Dad was just having some fun with me because I was being a little overzealous with the camera. Heh. We stayed there a while, then went back to my parents’ place and opened stocking gifts.
Jenn and I finally returned home by, I dunno, probably 10:00p.
Christmas Day Jenn and I woke up around 8-ish and opened the presents we got for each other. Jenn got a sweet deal on a GameCube bundle, so now a whole new world of gaming has been opened up to me in the form of Nintendo. This is actually the first Nintendo I’ve owned (not counting the GameBoy SP), and it’s an interesting thing. I’m really starting to notice the different approaches the consoles take as far as what gaming is/should be. In particular, Sony seems to have a lot of individual and network titles for PS2, implying a more one-or-two-person-per-console attitude, whereas Nintendo games have a more “party” atmosphere to them, allowing for four players simultaneously on one console more often. It’s an interesting approach, and one I sort of like - Jenn enjoys playing games with me, and with more “party” oriented games, it’s a more fun experience.
My parents and sisters were supposed to be at our place by 10:00a. They had other places to be later that day, so they were going to be out by 2:00p. They showed up a little after noon, which put a damper on any plans we had to play board games together and chat. Instead, we got straight to the gift opening, which didn’t last long (money’s tight this year since almost everyone in our family moved, which, for me, included the purchase of the house) because we did a “Secret Santa” style of giving, each person only buying for one other family member.
After that, we proceeded to play a few minutes of Dance Dance Revolution, which just reminded me how fun it is and how much I need a hard dance pad.
They took off, then an hour or two later Jenn’s family (the same crew that was at the Christmas Eve gathering) showed up for a lasagna dinner.
I already ranted about how I’m not a big “family dinner” person, and this was no exception. It wasn’t a bad experience, but I wasn’t having the time of my life, either. It all got better when, after dinner, we gathered ‘round the movie Elf and had some laughs.
They left around 8:30p or so, and that left Jenn and I to duke it out, GameCube style.
All in all, not a bad holiday, though I won’t lie: The entire season this year has not felt at all like Christmas. I’m not sure if that’s a sign of growing up, changing times, the chaos of life, or something else. Maybe a combination of all of the above.
Regardless, I hope everyone else out there had a happy holiday. On to the new year!
I’ve spent some serious time watching movies in the last couple of days, so I figured I’d fill you in.
24, Season Three: I spent the entirety of Monday, from 8:00a to Tuesday at 1:00a, watching the third season of 24, marathon style. My dad and Jenn also took part in the festivities and things went much like the last marathon (for season two) - lots of fun with lots of fattening food.
I thought the third season of 24 was good. Maybe not quite as good as the second season, but good nonetheless. I felt more connected to the characters in the second season, and while the third season had the same good writing and acting that I’ve come to expect, I felt there was just something missing. A couple of the characters really irritated me in the third season, while I wasn’t irritated by anyone in the second season. (I think they were supposed to be irritating, so the effect was right on.)
I still find it amazing that we got through supposedly 24 hours of real-time action in 17 hours. That means if you watch this thing on TV, you’re losing 29% of your time in commercials. That’s absolutely unacceptable, and for that reason alone it’s worth buying (or renting) the DVDs to watch it that way. My time is worth more than the networks would like to allow for.
One interesting item of note: There’s a considerable overlap of talent between 24 and La Femme Nikita. I liked both of those shows. Significant?
Do check out the third season of 24 if you haven’t already. You won’t be disappointed.
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy: I’m a huge Will Ferrell fan. He was great on Saturday Night Live, I thought Elf was hilarious, and I even had a good time with A Night at the Roxbury, lame as it was. I anticipated good things when I saw the previews for Anchorman, which made me laugh out loud.
I am actually dumber for having watched Anchorman. Not only was the entire story generally without focus, the jokes were stupid and the characters were totally unmemorable. I read the reviews at Amazon on this and folks compared this favorably to his other movies, saying that if you liked Ferrell’s other work, you’ll like this. I disagree: I feel that Ferrell’s other work has been reasonably clever and funny; this is just garbage. It’s almost like the writers couldn’t figure out what would be funny, so they held a contest and took joke submissions, then pasted the random jokes into a storyboard (regardless of whether they made any sense) and started shooting.
Not only that, but they did the one unforgivable thing when it comes to movies: They showed really funny scenes in the preview that didn’t even make it to the final film.
Terrible, terrible, terrible. Don’t waste your time or your money.
Resident Evil: Apocalypse: This movie got panned by critics, and I see why: There’s really a very weak plot and the whole thing revolves around action and action alone. I say there’s a time and place for movies like that. I thought the first Resident Evil movie was not bad, implying that it wasn’t award-winningly good, but I didn’t necessarily feel my time was totally wasted. I left it entertained. The same is true here. Weak plot, nonexistant acting (though I do love Milla Jovovich, and have found a new affinity for Sienna Guillory)… but entertaining. I think there’s something to be said for that.
Not a masterful piece of moviemaking, and I definitely think they need to improve the quality of video-game-based movies (and movie-based video games), but it was worth the rental.