I was listening to a local radio station
yesterday on my hour-and-forty-five-minute commute (to go 14 miles) and
they have this feature called “Random Thursday” where they play
different callers asking questions they don’t know the answer to or
weird thoughts they’re having. I think today is “Random Friday” on the
blog because there are a lot of disconnected thoughts I have that I
haven’t gotten out here yet.
This is why I can’t work at home too well: My cat thinks she’s a

I forgot to mention it, but this past weekend (I think it was this past
weekend) Jenn and I were going into the Winter
Hawks game when, passing through the
turnstyle, Jenn nailed herself in the nuts. Not that she has nuts, but
if she did, she’d have hit them. I had to laugh, but I’m sure it hurt
pretty bad. Took a couple of days to get over.
Earlier this week the Christmas gifts my boss ordered for us from the
UK arrived.

He ordered a bunch of mugs, so the company
just grabbed each mug in its own styrofoam packaging block and taped all
the blocks together. No box, just tape. Spare no expense on the
packaging, right? Amazing what the post office allows through. (We ended
up playing a sort of white elephant game with the mugs, where the first
person picks up a mug, then the second person either gets a mug or
steals the one from the first person, and so on. It was a lot of fun. I
ended up with a mug that says, “Please do not use the Internet. It
affects my MP3 downloading.”
Last night Jenn, my dad, and I went to Mickey
Finn’s to participate in
Mr. Bill’s Traveling Trivia Show. My
friend Susan works at the show sometimes (tallying up scores and
whatnot) and has been badgering me to go, so we did.
The show is sort of like a group game of Trivial Pursuit. You form
teams, pick a name (we were the S.W.A.T. Team), and answer three
questions at a time. After something like 18 questions, you get some
raffle tickets (based on how many your team got right) that could win
you free t-shirts, gift certificates, etc.
Our team kicked ass. I mean, we were always right up in the top few
teams. We each had our specialties - I know movies and music, Jenn knows
TV, and my dad knows history and geography. Well, sort of. See, Dad
flubbed the only WWII question we had, so I don’t know that we can
really count on him to come through. Where did I go wrong with that guy?
About halfway through, Susan’s friend Sharon joined our team. Sharon’s
cool and has this job where she gets to travel to all these cool and
exotic places on the company dime. I think that would be pretty cool…
for a while. Not sure I could get used to the whole jet lag thing, or
losing so much time on an airplane (date lines and all). She had some
interesting stories, though, and came through in the pinch with some
correct question answers (*cough*Dad*cough*).
That said, as many questions as we answered correctly, not a single
one of our raffle tickets was drawn. I seriously think every single
team except ours won something. At first I blamed it on the fact that
I was the one going up to get our raffle tickets, but then I sent Jenn
up to get a set and we still didn’t win. Now I’m convinced that there’s
some sort of CSI-esque
spray that they’d coat the tickets in so our tickets would glow and
they’d know which tickets not to draw.
Slept like crap last night. I think it was the mega-onion-burger and
onion rings I had for dinner, followed by the mountain of bread
pudding with rum sauce for dessert. I was too hot in the blankets, too
cold out of them. Heartburn all night. Woke up twice to pee. I have no
idea what was going on.
I woke up this morning and my right eye is half swollen shut and hurts
like hell. I don’t know what’s up with that, either. One of the guys in
the office suggested that I may have slept on it wrong. How do you sleep
wrong on your eye?
I noticed in the shower this morning that we desperately need some
Drano. By the end of the shower I was ankle
deep in soapy disgusting drainwater. Then it occurred to me that I’ve
been noticing this same thing for like a week now and just never
remember long enough to write down the word “Drano” on the shopping
list. I’m really hoping I remember to get some between now and tomorrow
morning. Every morning it happens, and every morning I’m disgusted anew.
Sort of like living in an unhygienic version of Groundhog
Watching the
news this
morning and noticed that this
reporter on there
always does stories where, rather than acutally have any interesting
video footage, he’ll actually aim the camera at his computer while he
surfs sites about his story or reads email from viewers. Story about the
airport? Cool! Stand outside the airport with the news van and point the
camera at the airport’s web site. Information about a new health care
bill? Great! Aim the camera at the email feedback inbox and read viewer
thoughts. Where did this guy learn journalism?
I’m not sure why I think this, but for some reason I feel like I need
some Snoop Dogg albums.
My dad’s stoked for the Survivor
All-Star show
coming up. I’m interested, too, but I’m not sure as much as he is. Dad
still wants to try out for
Okay, last thing: I had this weird dream last night that I went to the
Estacada Timber Bowl and, rather than
being a park, it was more of a natural history exhibit. They had this
life-size reproduction of a scene in a cave (and the cave was the size
of an airplane hangar) where prehistoric man had greeted visitors from
Mars around a huge bonfire. I don’t remember too much, but I do remember
the audio-animatronics
being used were of excellent quality. After looking at that for a
while, I went through the cave and at the other end was a giant
plantation-style house where they were having an estate sale. I want to
say I bought an antique
phonograph, but I can’t really
recall. Just about the time I was leaving the sale, I woke up.
Damn, my eye hurts.