Today’s my first day back at work (that is, actually at the office)
since the winter storm fiasco last week and let me tell you how nice
that is. I’m not very social at work or anything, but being in a place
designated particularly for work is much better for focus, and hearing
the other guys in the department doing their thing… well, it’s more
social than sitting at home trying to get the cat to stop climbing my
First thing this morning I got here and there was a minor
database-related crisis on one of our intranet servers, so that took
most of my morning hashing that out. Stupid SharePoint Team Services…
I scheduled my last test for my Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer
certification - “MS070-300: Analyzing Requirements and Defining
Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures” - this coming Monday. I’m more
uncomfortable with this test than I have been with others; they really
are testing for “Software Engineering The Microsoft Way” and coming from
a more real-world perspective, this inconsistent theoretical crap is
really tough for me. I end up answering the questions the way you would
in a real-world situation, but those answers end up being wrong because
they’re not Microsoft answers.
A couple of friends of mine here at work have taken the test and they
say it’s easy enough. Here’s hoping they’re right. In the meantime I’ll
be studying my ass off.
I rented some movies this weekend and so far I’m not too impressed.
Charlie’s Angels: Full
was iffy at best. Random plot interspersed with overdone effects scenes
and implausible stunts that destroy your suspension of disbelief. My dad
told me as much, but somehow I didn’t pay attention. Pass.
a low-budget movie about a hit man, was not only poorly acted but poorly
written. In fact, I don’t know where one problem ended and the other
began. Was it bad because the actors read lines like they were on cue
cards? Or were the lines themselves so bad that it didn’t give the
actors much to work with? Does it even matter? Pass.
I have another movie, The Art Of
War, but
I haven’t watched it yet. We shall see.
I should probably work at work, huh?