I’ve been busy. WAY busy. Between hockey, housework, and other chores,
I’m just not getting any time to relax. It’s becoming a little more than
I can stand. Hockey’s fun, but I continue to maintain that once the
season starts, it really cramps the schedule.
Jenn’s still not done with her costume. I can only hope she’s got it
done by Saturday for the party.
We went over to my parents’ house last night to help them make a flyer
because they’re selling their house. While my dad and I did that, Jenn
and my mom went to Costco. We tried to finish before they got back, but
we didn’t and for a short while it looked like it was going to turn into
a too-many-cooks-in-the-kitchen sort of thing.
But we got it done, and Jenn and I got home with enough time to price
all of the stuff that we’ll be putting into the garage sale that my
parents are having on Saturday, which I will be helping out with after
my oil change that morning. We have to take our stuff over there tonight
because there’s a hockey game tomorrow night and we won’t have time.
The company all-hands quarterly meeting happened today. Among other
things during the meeting, they recognize certain individuals who give
an outstanding effort towards the betterment of the company. Recognized
people get a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant (or wherever
they happen to get certificates from this quarter). After they
recognized several engineers who helped out with different efforts, the
VP of marketing got up there and said he had one person he’d like to
He described the person as helping to enhance the outward appearance of
the company and make it look more professional. He said the person put
forth quite the effort for our recent user conference and went the extra
mile to ensure that everything was provided for. I almost tuned out, but
then he said that the person was “the guy behind the new corporate web
site.” Huh? I didn’t do anything for the user conference… so that
must mean…
That’s right - the guy who handed me the graphics to base the web
site off of was the guy who got the recognition.
He basically handed me screen shots, folks. I did all of the
implementation work. The magic that makes the site functional? Me. The
new dynamic navigation system that allows easier content management on
the back end? Me. The templated standardization and easy updates to the
global look and feel? That would be… me. Oh, and the server hardware
and software upgrades and security enhancements on the back end were
also me.
The guy who got recognized did come by and say that, technically, I was
the guy behind the site, while he was the guy in front of it. Which
was very cool of him to acknowledge, but it’s interesting to see that
what the rest of the company, outside of my department, sees is that
he did all this work. And, of course, when it was my boss’s turn to
speak, he threw in the “Travis did the back end work” comment, which was
also nice. Not quite on the visibility level as the previous
recognition, though.
Our department, Corporate IT, got recognized very briefly for “all the
good work we do keeping things together” and we’re going to get to go to
lunch at a “reasonable place.” Cool. So they recognize this other guy
for accomplishments he didn’t even do and he gets $50, and our
department gets recognized en masse and gets a $7.50 lunch. Sounds
fair to me. What do you guys think?
Anyway, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t stewing over this one. I’d like
to think that I do some pretty good work around here, and the people who
are directly involved with my projects - who know who’s doing the work -
are pretty damn happy with the stuff I produce. I’d like to think that
if you want something done, anyone can do it, but if you want it done
right then you come to me. And that’s the kind of product I turn out.
Getting pretty much snubbed like that in front of the company has left
a bad taste in my mouth. It makes me wonder what the point of working so
hard is if you’re not even going to get credit for the work you do. I’m
sure others out there have gotten more than their fair share of this
kind of thing, but this is the first time I’ve been out-and-out ignored
for my efforts. So if I seem a little pissed off, that’s why. And if you
don’t like me complaining about it, you can fuck off. I did the work, I
should get the credit - even if that doesn’t entail any sort of monetary
reward. My work, my credit, end of story.