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Drs. Foster & Smith

August 26, 2003
 Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.           Order Number: XXXXXXXXXX
 2253 Air Park Road, P.O. Box 100
 Rhinelander, WI 54501-0100
 Toll Free (800) 381-7179
 Fax (800) 776-8872

  Bill to: Travis Illig              Ship to: Travis Illig
           [Address Info Removed]             [Address Info Removed]

  **Credit Card:** Visa:

Item #   Description           Price    Qty   Extended
9B-3258  Scat Mat (48" x 20")  $59.99 x   1 =   $59.99

Subtotal                                    =   $59.99
Expedited (2-4 Business Days)               =   $14.98
TOTAL                                       =   $74.97

 **Order Comments:**

personal comments edit

I’ve figured out that there’s something odd with the way the SSL is working with my webmail access, so accessing without the SSL has let me into my 147 messages. Actually, much less than I expected, but most of them are spam, which was exactly as I expected.

personal comments edit

My email is still down (at least, the web mail access) so I sent a note to the support folks that maintain the server a note to find out what’s up. Which means that I’m going to have like 4,000 spams waiting for me by the time I’m able to get it.

For the last two nights, my Tiny Cat has decided that she’s bored or something so every two hours or so she cries and then lays down on the pressure-sensitive alarm mat we have outside the bedroom door. Apparently she’s figured out that it’s equally annoying for the humans and that if she can lay there long enough, someone will come out and chase her around the house. What a fun game!

Sunday night she did it enough that I threw a slipper at her, so she got mad and peed on the bathroom floor. I can’t believe she peed the floor, but I guess I should be happy it wasn’t on carpet.

Next step is to get the electronic shock mat - she can stand on that and get a jolt of electricity all she wants. I’m tired of this. It’s not like she doesn’t get total love and attention when we’re awake. We play with her, we buy her toys and stuff… she’s totally spoiled. But she wants more. Not much I can do about that. There’s a whole other cat she could play with, but apparently that’s not as much fun as playing with humans.

Needless to say, I’m draggin’ today. It’s going to be a long one.

Jenn and I went out to eat last night at Applebee’s and I got the all-you-can-eat rib tips. I’m not a big ribs fan, but the promise of “the meatiest part of the rib” convinced me, so I tried it.


Ribs, in my opinion, are way too much work and not enough payoff. If I wanted to eat barbecue sauce, I’d just go buy a bottle at the store and throw a straw in it. Plus, they’re really fatty, and I’m not a fan of the chewiness of fat. Next time I’ll get the chicken.

I also went and got my nice Sony earbud headphones at the local Circuit City. They’re awesome. I’m listening to them right now. They’re everything earbuds should be.

I saw a couple of news articles this morning that got me thinking.

First, there was a pedestrian killed in the middle of I-5, so the whole thing was pretty much shut down. I don’t really feel too bad about the whole thing, though… I mean, what was a pedestrian doing on an interstate highway? No, no, no.

Second, the Portland police apparently requested some suggestions from the “Police Assessment Resource Committee” or something like that to find out how they could better deal with police-involved shootings.

Now, for the record, I think that if you’re in trouble with the law and you run when they tell you to stop, then they shoot you, you probably deserve it. If you shoot at the cops and get shot, you definitely deserve it.

One of the recommendations of the resource committee was that the police not be allowed to shoot at moving vehicles. I think if I was a criminal, this would be great. The thought process would be something like this:

Oh, shit, here come the cops and me with all this crack that I’m selling to kids in grade school… What am I going to do? I got it! I’ll just get in the car and drive away! They can’t shoot me while I’m in a moving vehicle!


movies, personal comments edit

Tubby is a box of Clif bars (3k
image)Came home Friday evening and, after dealing with the illegal parking on the part of my neighbors, was greeted with the sight of our tubby cat impersonating a box of Clif bars. She is too much.

Friday night rented Chicago, The Guru, and Versus.

I thought Versus was supposed to be some really cool Japanese sci-fi thing, but it turned out it was more like some guy who got bored with his buddies and happened to have a videocamera. What a load.

The Guru was clever and funny, though not necessarily too original. Fun for a rental, glad I didn’t pay theater prices.

Chicago. Sigh. I really don’t know what to say about this. I’m not a fan of jazz music. I’m not a fan of the 1920’s - 1930’s era. Two terrible tastes that taste like shit together equals Chicago. Technically the movie was well done - good costumes, good choreography, good cinematography… as an entertainment piece, though, suck-city. I only paid a buck to rent it and I didn’t feel too cheated.

Saturday did the usual chores and whatnot. In the evening Jenn and I hung out with some friends of ours and watched the Best of Will Ferrell DVD, which is too funny. It was nice to have some folks over.

Oh, also on Saturday I took like six or seven games for my PS2 (they were both PS and PS2 games) in to the used game store and traded them in for credit. With the credit, I bought a used copy of Amplitude (a music game that’s like the most fun party game ever) and reserved a copy of Soul Calibur II for when it comes out on Wednesday. Should be fun.

Sunday Jenn and I washed our cars and gave the tubby cat a bath. I thought she’d be all wild, but she just sat there, stunned that we would even conceive of such a notion as bathing her. She’s not so tough looking when she’s all soaked.

Wow, now that I’ve typed it out, it looks like we didn’t do much. It sure felt like we were totally busy. Weird.

personal comments edit

I haven’t been able to get my personal email at work all day today because they shut down POP access at the firewall (thanks, W32/Sobig.f@MM) and the webmail interface to my mail is not working. So I’m sure I’ve got like 30,000 emails waiting for me, but I’ll just have to put off answering them until shit settles down. If you emailed me, I’m not ignoring you, I just can’t get to your message.