media, windows, music comments edit

Continuing my quest for a decent media center approach, I noticed that Brad Wilson is using MCE Tunes to stream iTunes content using Windows Media Center.  (Also looks like he built his media center for the same reason I’m building mine - as a movie jukebox.)  Looks like MCE Tunes also works over media center extenders (Xbox 360), so that’d be a good solution to the music portion of the media center.

I’ll have to add this to my list of things to check out as I continue my quest.  Unfortunately it only really works in the XP edition of media center right now, so it’d mean I can’t use Vista as my media center. Not a showstopper, but definitely something to consider.

General Ramblings comments edit

This weekend was Jenn’s birthday so we had a big two-day extravaganza.

Saturday we got together with our friends Angela and Keaka and we headed to the coast.  We usually head to Seaside, but this time we took a longer trip and went down to Lincoln City. We cruised around there for quite some time, then headed down to Depoe Bay.

The weather at the coast was nice - mid 60’s, little wind, no rain, slightly overcast.  By the end of the day, it cleared up and we stopped at a pullout along the highway to watch the sunset, which was gorgeous. (If I get off my lazy butt, I can get some pictures posted.  We got some nice photos.)

At some point we got talking about weird foods that people eat (well, weird to us; probably not weird at all to some cultures) and how where Keaka used to live there were wild donkeys and when someone would hit one, they’d pick it up and take it home and eat it.  After that we kind of got off on a tangent naming all the things you could make out of donkeys, sort of like Bubba in Forrest Gump naming all of the things you could make out of shrimp.  Donkey kabobs, donkey sandwiches, donkey stew.  When we hit donkey noodle soup, we knew we’d gone way too far with it.  So the word of the day is “donkey.”

So we cruised the beach, and we cruised the outlet mall there, and had a really fun time.

Sunday I gave Jenn her gifts - a new purse (the silver/black Coach Chelsea Signature small hobo) and some shoes (Calvin Klein “Joeclyn” pumps in bordeaux) - and took her on a mini shopping spree to pick out a new outfit.  She liked the purse a lot, but isn’t sure about the shoes - they’re really gorgeous, but they hit her in the ankle a little wrong so she’s going to take them back and see what else they have (maybe a half size smaller).

We shopped all day Sunday, eventually finding half an outfit (including some more shoes), and spanned two malls, ending up in Bridgeport Village for dinner with her parents at Macaroni Grill.  Very tasty.

It was a heck of a long weekend, and a lot of fun.  According to Jenn, she had a great birthday, and that’s what matters.

General Ramblings comments edit

This weekend hasn’t been terribly eventful.  Yesterday most of the day was spent either doing chores around the house or watching Prison Break Season 2.

Today, Jenn has so far spent at least four hours playing Bioshock and during that time I’ve been watching Voyagers! and cataloguing comic books on  There’s something strangely relaxing about watching nostalgic TV on DVD and playing the obsessive-compulsive collector.  The tedium of entering the comics in the site, bagging and boarding them… it borders between a lame chore and the work of personal pride.

My cat is exceptionally loyal, following me from room to room as I gather supplies and taking up residence in the papasan chair in the corner while I dutifully enter comics on the site.

I think this is what Sundays are meant for.

gaming comments edit

I’m not sure how I didn’t see this before, being over a year old, but I missed it until some friends of ours forwarded it along.  A little slow up front, but watch the whole thing.  It’s worth it.